Making sure your business is prepared for the worse is something every business owner should be ready for. Disasters can come both physically in the form of hurricanes and other natural disasters, and virtually in the form of cyberattacks. No matter what it is, you need to be ready for it and CPT of South Florida can help. We have the systems to ensure your business is safe in the event of a disaster.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), over 40% of businesses never recover following a disaster, and for those who do, 29% are still open after two years.
Data breaches are even more alarming with 70% of businesses going out of business after a large data breach.
Small Businesses Benefit the Most From Having a Disaster Plan
Small businesses have a lot to lose in the event of a disaster. Large corporations can still suffer, but they usually have more areas of income and operational work locations which smaller businesses don’t have access to. Thankfully, disaster plans are much easier to incorporate in smaller businesses rather than large ones. This is due to the fact that smaller companies have simpler structures, and disaster plans are more straightforward and easier to implement.
Having a robust and detailed disaster recovery plan helps cope with a crisis, minimizes work disruptions and losses, ensures operations will be up, boost clients’ confidence provides a competitive advantage and provides compliance benefits.
5 Tips to Create a Robust Business Disaster Plan
Below, you’ll find our top 5 tips for ensuring your business disaster plan is ready.
1. Cover Vital Aspects
There are 3 primary things your business disaster plan should include. The first is realizing potential threats and impacts to your business. A good disaster plan will identify what threatens your business the most.
2. Train Employees
Creating a disaster plan is important, but it’s vital that your employees know how to enact this plan should a disaster arise. You can have the best business disaster plan, but it won’t matter if it can’t be executed. Making sure your employees are up-to-date on the plan is imperative to the plan working.
3. Provide an Outline of the Plan
Your company should have a template or outline of what to do in order to successfully complete the disaster recovery plan. It should also supply contact information as well as details for suppliers and emergency services. It’s also important to have contact information for key clients and vendors so they know what is happening as well.
Data is very important to any company, which is why you should also take advantage of cloud backups and data recovery. CPT of South Florida can assist your business with setting this up correctly. Our disaster recovery solutions will ensure your data is here when the worst happens.
4. Test Your Plan
The only way you’ll ever know for sure if your business disaster plan will work is if you test it. You should test it regularly so your employees are kept up to date and you know it will continue to work. Testing it will also show areas that should be improved and where gaps in the plan are.
5. Invest in a Disaster Plan Management System
Investing in software that helps with the items listed above will make the recovery time much faster and easier. CPT of South Florida can help you find the best system for your business to ensure you never lose anything important.
Need Help With Your Business Disaster Plan?
Having a business disaster plan in place can save your business when a disaster strikes. Creating a disaster plan can seem difficult, which is why CPT of South Florida is here to help you create a plan that won’t fail. We have the systems and expertise to ensure your business is safe. Visit our contact page if you’re ready to create a plan that works.