If you operate a small to medium-sized business, you’re probably always looking for ways to cut overhead costs and maximize profits. One great way to do this is by optimizing your business IT services with a cloud-based phone system, or a VoIP system! If you’d like to learn more about how switching can save your business in Fort Lauderdale money, or if you’ve been searching for an “IT company near me” to set you up with a VoIP system, contact CPT of South Florida!
How VoIP Provides Affordable Business IT Services
If you’ve never heard of VoIP before, you might be wondering what it is and how it can provide your business with affordable IT services. VoIP is a cloud-based phone system, meaning the phone connection is hosted on the internet rather than through traditional phone lines! It’s becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes, especially smaller businesses who need to cut costs wherever they can.
VoIP systems allow you to pay on an affordable subscription basis, and because the system is hosted online rather than through an in-house server, you can save a ton of money on IT costs! You’ll never have to spend time Googling “IT company near me” due to a faulty server again.
Pros of Switching to a VoIP System
There are a ton of advantages of using a VoIP system for your business, including:
- Saving money
- Increased flexibility
- Greater reliability
VoIP systems charge much less per minute than leading traditional phone companies. When you switch to a cloud-based phone system, you’ll see an average reduced cost of 40% for local calls and up to 90% for international calls!
You’ll also enjoy greater flexibility with this kind of phone system. Since everything is hosted on the internet, you can connect to your work phone from anywhere you have an internet connection. If you have more than one office, you can even combine them all under one phone system!
If you have a subpar internet connection, you might constantly be looking for an “IT company near me” to get your system up and running again. However, cloud-based phone companies have backup servers in multiple locations, meaning your connectivity will never be compromised by a single server failure again!
Cons of a Cloud-Based Phone System
While there are many advantages to a VoIP system, there are a few drawbacks to keep in mind when making your decision. Although it will save you money in the long run, there are a couple of upfront costs involved. If you don’t already have IP phones, you’ll need to purchase them. You may also need to purchase more ethernet cables to connect these phones, and a larger router to accommodate the required connectivity!
If you don’t already have a reliable internet connection, you may need to upgrade to one. Otherwise, you risk outside disruptions due to dropped service! Make sure your internet connection is sufficient to accommodate all your internet-connected phones.
Contact Us
If, after weighing the pros and cons, you’ve decided that a VoIP system would work well for your business IT services, contact CPT of South Florida to learn more about upgrading your business in Fort Lauderdale! Visit us online for more information.