One of the most impactful innovations of modern technology is the cloud. Most of us use it every single day by accessing important documents, files, pictures, messages, and even video games now. That’s a lot of power the cloud has over our valuable information, and it can be easy to worry about the security of the files you keep on it. We at CPT of South Florida are a provider of IT support Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach businesses rely on, and our experience gives us a great understanding of cloud services. We want to share this with you so that you can feel confident in trusting cloud technologies to store your information securely.
Facts About the Cloud
Anywhere a computer exists with internet connection, the cloud is there, and it’s changed the way our world runs. With it, hundreds of people can access files, programs, and applications anywhere that internet is accessible, It’s an amazing feat, but let’s take a moment to appreciate some important facts about the cloud.
- It’s not owned by any one person or business
- The cloud, like the internet itself, is not owned by anyone. This is because it’s not one specific thing, but rather a collective entity comprised of many applications at once. Multiple cloud companies offer specific services that contribute to the cloud to create this amazing space for sharing and transferring content of all kinds.
- It can run powerful programs
- There are many classic programs that rely on a powerful CPU to effectively run, but there are also cloud alternatives nowadays that can handle the same kind of processing while still running seamlessly. An example would be Google Office, which offers many powerful programs through the cloud.
- It’s growing
- There doesn’t appear to be any stop in the momentum of new cloud companies and services coming soon. Rather, more and more services continue to appear and push the envelope to include more forms of cloud-based content. Google Stadia is a prime example–an all new service where gamers can play games through the cloud.
- It’s largely free
- The only requirement to using the cloud is having an internet connection. Beyond that, though, the only payments for cloud-based services would come from subscriptions certain providers will offer for higher level of services. YouTube Premium, for example, offers exclusive content and no commercials for paid subscribers.
More About Cloud Services and Security
You might assume the safest place for files, documents, data, and other digital content you have would be on your own computer, but this isn’t necessarily the case. A personal computer can break or be stolen, but the cloud cannot. Cloud providers are also some of the most secure companies in the world, having the highest levels of data encryption and cyber security to ensure that neither they nor any of their users are ever compromised.
Contact us for IT Support Fort Lauderdale Businesses Trust
Cloud services are highly secure and offer many opportunities to store content. That said, you’ll also have many of your files stored on your business computers as well. This means cyber security just as important for your company. For the best IT support Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach companies trust, contact us today.