As disaster recovery has continued to become more automated, so have different constraints that hold back organizations when aiming to utilize this approach. Here are some of the top myths regarding disaster recovery automation debunked. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, CPT Of South Florida offers business IT services. Call CPT Of South Florida for VoIP Miami businesses trust today!
Common Misconceptions About Disaster Recovery Automation
- Automation is unable to extend up to the business process level- Traditional disaster recovery tests only deal with validation of the IT infrastructure along with applications in the site of recovery. These kinds of tests are unable to offer information on which business processes have been tested and the readiness of that business process during a DR situation. Business and CXO leaders would be more interested to see information on the readiness of the complete business process compared to application- or infrastructure-level test entities. Dynamic reports can be provided by the DR test reporting dashboard any time for a quick status check on where the organization is heading in terms of implementing a robust business continuity program.
- Integrated disaster recovery testing cannot be performed- Unless an organization performs recovery tests regularly, the effectiveness of a disaster recovery program is unable to be justified. There is often a challenge to IT leadership that automation doesn’t permit selective DR tests for a subsystem of application or it doesn’t allow for an end-to-end integrated DR test. Automation shows that DR tests can be performed without disrupting the production environment of the production data. It is also possible to integrate cloud and on-premise DR solutions.
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- Recovery time objectives are unable to be optimized beyond a point- A common misconception is that automation can only improve your recovery time goals by a minuscule margin. It has been proven in many organizations that through proper automation and orchestration, the recovery timelines are able to be optimized by up to 50% with failovers and failbacks managed by a click of a button. There is no loss of time spent on prerequisite checks and manual failover procedures in an automated failover configuration.
- DR automation doesn’t work for multiple technology environments- In the IT landscape of today, there are no single-platform or single-vendor systems anymore. Organizations take on multi-vendor/multi-technology architectures in order to fit business requirements. However, there is a common belief among IT administrators that automation and orchestration can’t match the needs of platform or vendor-agnostic systems. Automation has brought in tools which are able to failover and failback between different hardware systems, such as physical to virtual, EMC to NetApp, VMware to Hyper V. No matter what kind of hardware or software, replication is able to be configured between multiple technologies, and automation is able to bridge this gap. Legacy systems can also be recovered on par with the latest technologies and can be integrated into an end-to-end test.
Contact Us Today
There are many common misconceptions about disaster recovery automation you should inform yourself on. CPT of South Florida provides VoIP Miami businesses trust. Call CPT Of South Florida at our Fort Lauderdale headquarters for more information today!